Updating your organization's group in OrgCentral is an important step to making sure you stay connected to updates and information from K-State.
Did You Know?
Student Programs and Involvement uses OrgCentral as a database of contact information for student organizations. If your leadership isn't listed in OrgCentral, then they miss out on important updates, communications, and deadlines.
Your To-Do List
- Add new officers and assign positions in your group in OrgCentral
- Make sure the person listed as your "President" in OrgCentral is committed to reading the communications from the Center for Student Involvement throughout the summer and into the Fall 2024 semester
- Be on the lookout for the recognition and renewal process to open later this summer!
- Add new members to your group in OrgCentral
Watch: How to Manage Group Officers & Members in OrgCentral
To add Group Officers in OrgCentral:
Please Note: You must be a current Officer of the organization to have administrative access to your Group in OrgCentral
- Go to your Group in OrgCentral - make sure you are on the management Dashboard
- Select "Officers" in the left hand menu.
- Once in the "Officers" page, click the "Add Officers" button in the upper right hand corner.
- Begin typing the member's name/email in the box labeled "Lookup users by name or email". Click on their name when in appears.
- To add a role to their name, click the "Position" drop down box and select a role from the list.
The deadline to complete this is Friday, (DATE) by 5:00pm. We appreciate your help in getting ready for our registration/recognition process this summer!