Asian American Student Union


About Us

Asian American Student Union (AASU) was founded by Jason Ly in the year of 1991. Ly felt that the Asian population of K-State needed a strong voice to convey to the community. We aim to continue this tradition as our voice is needed now more than ever. The purpose of this organization is to foster unity and support for all Asian and Asian-American students on campus; to provide awareness of Asian cultures to Kansas State University faculty, administrators, students and community; to provide a means by which Asian and Asian-American students can become more visible to the Kansas State University community; and to create an atmosphere that promotes and teaches the equality of diverse people. We aim to be a principal platform that allows Asian Americans to speak up and educate the masses around them, and while doing so, leading, mentoring, empowering, and inspiring those who can't find a voice of their own. Through this guidance, members will know how they can thrive and succeed in a society that is apt to push them aside.









Members Benefits

The purpose of this organization is to foster unity and support for all Asian American, and International students on campus; to provide awareness of the Asian cultures to Kansas State University faculty, administrators, students, and community; to provide a means by which Asian and Asian American students can become more visible to the Kansas State University community; and to create an atmosphere that promotes and teaches the equality of diverse people.

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop.


Meeting new students with shared interest


Fredric Villapena Profile

Fredric Villapena

VP External
Arjun Joshi Profile

Arjun Joshi

Joshua Fan Profile

Joshua Fan

Vinny Sun Profile

Vinny Sun

Adrienne Pamatmat Profile

Adrienne Pamatmat

VP Internal
Kevin Santos Flores Profile

Kevin Santos Flores


P: 785-532-6276

Asian American Student Union

Diversity and Multicultural Student Affairs @ Kansas State University 224 Anderson Hall
Manhattan KS 66506