Sponsored Student Organization - Academic Competition Team (ACT)
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Trisha Moore, William Matchell
Mission Fountain Wars is a student design team that must design a structure to complete the two technical tasks and an aesthetics display. Fountain Wars gives students an opportunity to design, build, test, and compete at the Annual International Meeting and Fountain Wars Design Competition at the ASABE conference.Fountain Wars Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept. Website: https://www.bae.ksu.edu/student-organizations/fountain-wars-team/index.htmlASABE 2019 competition video: https://youtu.be/6ZflD2Rz_nE
Membership BenefitsFountain Wars is a hands on team that allows students to put into practice the concepts and skills learned from classes. This team allows students to grow teamwork, leadership, communication and problem solving skills while having fun completing design tasks with KSU students from a variety of majors across campus.
Lifetime membership