Wildcat Robotics

A KSU Engineering Sponsored Organization dedicated to creating competitive robots in diverse fields.


About Us

We are Wildcat Robotics. Our club's goal and passion is not only to build robots, but to provide a resource-rich environment where you can learn how to write software, 3D model, wire electronics, route PCBs, and develop many other valuable skills while working on a team and competing at a national level. We hold our general meetings at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays and 7:30 PM Thursdays every week in Rathbone 0044, feel free to stop by and see what the team is about.

Meet Our Teams

Combat Robotics


Member Benefits

Free Training: 3D printing, Machining, soldering and more

Networking: Work with other engineers from different disciplines

Join Our Team

Contact Us

Team Email:



Ty Mathews - tybmathews@ksu.edu

Vice President Combat:

Kyle Mayfield - krjmayfield@ksu.edu

Vice President Autonomous:

John Woods - jwoods03@ksu.edu