Student organizations should keep the following dates in their calendar;
- May 3rd- RSO Registration Policy Deadline (Last day groups can be registered before being deactivated)
- August 18th- RSO Retreat (Informational retreat for RSO officers)
- August 19th-24th- Week of Welcome (Student groups/departments planning events can submit them to be included in WOW marketing)
- August 22nd- Activities Carnival (All student groups are encouraged to register and participate in this tabling fair. Registration opens in August.)
- Monthly dates TBD- Advisors' Circle (Meeting for RSO advisors to network and discuss current trends and topics in student organizations)
- November 1st- SGA Funding Requests Deadling (Funding deadline for events happening December 1st-February 15th)
- December 1st- RSO Awards Nominations Open (Annaul awards series to recognize RSOs and their leaders)
If you have any questions about dates, please feel free to contact Student Programs and Involvment at