We may not have gotten College Gameday, but the Farm Journal will be visiting this week to highlight Kansas State in their College Road Show. The Farm Journal wants it to have a pep rally, college road show feel, so we are inviting students to dress up in game-day attire and the K-State pep band and Willie will be there to help cheer us on. You do NOT have to be in the College of Ag to participate.
The Road Show Will Be:
In the Quad, close to Waters Hall
Oct. 27, 8 -10 am
It would be great if you could encourage members of your organizations to attend. I’ve attached a digital flyer if you want to share it with friends in classes, Student Government, COA Student Council, MANNRs or other organizations you have affiliation with. The student organization with the most members attending will get a pizza party.
Parker Reagan Vulgamore
Agricultural Economics, Pre-Law
Student Body President