Looking for summer plans? Consider being a KAWSE Summer Workshop mentor! Summer Mentors are paid members of KAWSE (K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science & Engineering). Mentors work directly with the GROW and EXCITE Summer Workshop hosted in early June. As a member of the KAWSE summer staff, the mentor occupies a crucial role in enriching the experiences of middle-school and high-school participants in the workshops through role modeling appropriate behavior, mentoring prospective students, and supervising underage participants during activities and overnight stays in the residence halls. A full position description is available here.
Mentors will need to be available from June 6-9, 2023, and will receive a $400 stipend. Meals and lodging will also be provided. This position is intended for undergraduate students.
Applications will be accepted at the following link on a rolling basis until filled: https://bit.ly/2023KAWSESummerMentor .
Any questions can be directed to the KAWSE office at kawse@ksu.edu or (785) 532-6088.