Planning safe, successful, quality events is an important aspect of student organization activity. The Student Organization Event Policy provides recognized student organizations with guidance and learning opportunities as they relate to social responsibility and event management, which support the following:
- Creation of safe and successful environments for event participants;
- Empowerment of recognized student organizations to hold themselves, guests, and others accountable for actions; and
- Education on event planning and risk management practices.
Read the Student Organization Event Policy in Chapter 8530 of the K-State Policies and Procedures Manual.
Event Registration
All RSO-sponsored events that are open to non-members must complete the event registration process, as outlined by the Center for Student Involvement. Closed meetings or activities, unless they involve alcohol or minor children, do not need to be registered. Closed meetings or activities are those that are only open to organization members (non-members may not attend).
The Student Event Coordinator, i.e. the student member of the sponsoring organization designated by the RSO to be the lead contact and event organizer, should review the RSO Event Guidelines and create the event for their group in OrgCentral.
A notification will automatically be sent to your group president and advisors, as listed in OrgCentral. Depending on the specific details of your event, your RSO Advisor may be required to login to OrgCentral to acknowledge your event submission as part of the registration workflow. If this action is required, your RSO Advisor will receive an email from CampusGroups with instructions. Your event will be publicized in OrgCentral when this process is complete.