As we look ahead to the next academic year, the Center for Student Involvement would like to draw awareness to the anicipated changes regarding several student organization-related policies, including:
- Student Organization Recognition Policy
- Student Organization Conduct Code
- Student Amnesty Policy
- Student Organization Event Policy
Highlights include:
- Organization Classifications
- Sponsored - University agents (most current DSOs)
- Affiliated - Interest groups (most current ISOs)
- Advisor Requirement
- All student organizations will be required to have a faculty/staff advisor
- Conduct
- Jursidiction will broaden to include more student organization activities
- There will be a process for organization accountability, in addition to individual accountability
- Events
- There will be an authorization process for high-risk activities and guidance for organization events.
Next Steps
- Recognition, Conduct Code, and Amnesty policies & FAQ information will be shared with the University community upon final approval from Cabinet
- Event Policy and Student Org Logo/Branding Guidance are on a separate timeline to be finalized
- Recognition process for student organizations will likely open late Spring/over the Summer, no later than August 1, 2023
- Policies will be implemented August 1, 2023