Attention K-State Student Organizations
You're invited to attend a meeting with the Center for Student Involvement this Thursday, March 30, as we host the Student Organization Policies Workgroup for an update on anticipated changes for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Policies covered will include:
- Student Organization Recognition Policy
- Student Organization Conduct Code
- Student Amnesty Policy
- Student Organization Event Policy
Join us as we hear from the Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students, the Senior Associate Dean & Director of Student Life, and the Interim Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement. There will be a presentation from the workgroup and time for questions at the end.
Student Organization Policies Update
Thursday, March 30
4-5 p.m.
K-State Student Union, Room 227
Zoom available
RSVP in OrgCentral
We hope to see you then!
Center for Student Involvement
114 K-State Student Union |