Affiliated Student Organization - Multicultural
Website Mission Membership Benefits
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Mission SPICMACAY as a global organization celebrates the spirit of volunteerism, of giving selflessly without expectation, a value intrinsic to our culture and important in today's world. SPICMACAY at Kansas State identifies with this goal and tries to bring various international, national and local artists on one platform with the hope of getting the youth more involved. We promote everyoneirrespective of their race, religion, caste, nationality and sexual orientation, to volunteer and participate in whatever form, for our events and the cause of our organization. The goal of art forms is after all, to include all. Our project revolves around 'East meets West' goal. SPICMACAY at Kansas State Chapter follows the same principles and working process of SPICMACAY Global Chapters. Artistes, Committees for partnership, Funding Supporters and Volunteers are the base of SPICMACAY. We have been conducting events on K-State Campus in-line with those conducted by SPICMACAY Global Chapters in other parts of the world. We aim to give the Manhattan community and K-State students a new and diverse cultural experience through art forms unknown to many.
Membership BenefitsDiversity & Cultural Awareness
Lifetime membership