Mission Statement

The Tau Beta Pi Association aims "To mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as students in engineering." Furthermore, "The mission of the Kansas Gamma Chapter is to continuously improve the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering and the Manhattan community."

Members Benefits

As an organization we seek to provide recognition and professional development opportunities for high achieving engineering students.

Events & Activities

KS Hill Maintenance
Engineering Formal
Engineering Futures

Exclusive Resources

Fellowships - $10,000 stipends
Scholarships - $2,000 stipends
Student loans - up to $2,500
Exclusive Job Boards
Automatic G-7 Advancement
Tech & FE/PE Prep Discounts


Distinguished Alumnus
Engineering Futures
Annual National Convention

E: k.state.tbp@gmail.com

Kansas Gamma Chapter of Tau Beta Pi

1701B Platt Street, 1056 Rathbone Hall
Manhattan, Kans, 66502