Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate in Cat Trax?

K-State students taking classes in-person on the Manhattan campus are eligible to participate in Cat Trax. The track & checklists have automatically been assigned to all freshman. Upperclassmen, transfer students, and graduate students can choose to opt-in to the program as well. All Cat Trax participants can earn points and prizes. Future iterations will explore including additional student populations, such as online students.

How can I sign up for Cat Trax?

The Cat Trax checklists have automatically been assigned to all freshman. Upperclassmen, transfer students, and graduate students can choose to opt-in to the program by completing the request form.

What if I don't have a smartphone or the mobile app?

While the OrgCentral mobile app is the preferred way to access Cat Trax, you can still participate even if you don't have a smartphone or the mobile app. You can access Cat Trax via a web browser at When checking in at events, if you can't scan the QR code with your phone, you can connect with the event organizers either before or after the event to make sure your name gets added to the attendance list.

How can non-students like faculty and staff access Cat Trax?

Anyone can view Cat Trax program details via the Cat Trax website, where you can watch videos, find detailed information. Manhattan campus students, faculty, and staff can also access Cat Trax by logging in to OrgCentral with their K-State eID. Faculty and staff can complete the Opt-In form to be granted access to the Cat Trax checklists, which can be helpful when meeting with students and demonstrating the program to them. Non-student faculty and staff are not eligible for points and prizes.